having a stressful day at work, waking up “on the wrong side of the bed,” going to a certain uncomfortable place (like the mall), listening to the kids fight – virtually anything could set the stage for being triggered later on. When you are trying to identify your emotional triggers...
Stephen, a father of two sons, has experience with both parental burnout and depression. He knows when he is close to reaching his limit because he starts to lose interest in what he’s passionate about, including the personalized jewelry and accessories business he owns with his wife, Lisa....
It was great being able to watch how these players utilized a rare combination of speed, skill, strength and aggression to play at an incredibly high and exhilarating tempo from the get-go, (particularly from the Russian players who ended up demolishing Slovakia to the tune of 8-nil). Here...
Polio was a strange illness, never fully understood even by those who devoted their lives to studying and subduing it. It was a summer plague, coming on in late spring and all but vanishing in the fall. Many thought contagion had something to do with water, and Ameri...
To be the positive parent you’ve always wanted to be, get our FREE mini-courseHow to Be a Positive Parent. 1. The core of positive discipline:There are no bad kids, just bad behavior. Think about that for a minute and you will realize how true the statement is.This is the basic ...
The bottom line is that the magic age of 45 (according to this study) is the age when snow shoveling should be passed on to the next generation. <Insert collective Minnesota laughter here.> Clearly, this study was done by a bunch of softie Californians. ...
Some of the best stories in history have words that the authors made up themselves. Have you ever thought about creating a new word to use in your story? Here are some ways to create a new word.
Besides, with all the weight loss, they’re going to want to get a new wardrobe since their clothes will no longer fit. It was enough to turn their hair prematurely gray (a memory they try to suppress each time they visit the beauty parlor.) ...
A Guide to Emotions that features how to get very happy, confident, energized, inspired, flirty, focused, or playful.
How stressed or burned out you are doesn’t come down to one thing, but societal pressures play a role for many. When you stay busy, you tend to get accolades like extra recognition, incentives, bonuses, and promotions. “It is first and foremost a badge of honor,” saysPaula Davis, ...