While you can request a refund on any game, in most cases you’ll only be able to get your money back in very specific cases. General two-week, two-hour rule: So long as you request a refund within 14 days of purchase, and it has been played for less than two hours, you'll alm...
How did you raise a refund request? I'm getting double charged for my EA yearly plan although I use the same email address and linked my steam account with the same email. I just can't figure a way to speak to someone or how to raise a refund request. Please someone help me. Li...
You should also avoid "cheap" Steam keys sold via reseller websites. Many of these vastly reduced Steam keys arepurchased with stolen credit cards. The keys to any purchases may be revoked without a refund and in the worst-case scenario your Steam account could be banned (though this is un...
generations is an expansion pack all expansion and stuff packs and store items needs the sims 3 base game (a.k.a. the normal one ) to play (IF you do have the sims 3 base game but it is on steam then orign digital downloads and or disks do not work with st...
“You need to create cleverly saturated games. After some quick testing in our games in the past, we noticed that our players enjoyed shorter sessions. Your players can’t sit in VR for hours playing games. After 20 minutes or so, they’ll get tired and want to take a break. ...
When you add a game to your cart, you will see the option to "gift" the game to anyone on your Steam Friends... Valve 硬體退貨授權(RMA)說明 如果您對購入的 Valve 硬體(下稱「硬體產品」)不滿意,可以提出退款申請或是要求相關產品服務。 為了盡量簡化流程,請依照「退貨授權」(RMA)流程進行。
You simply need to contact the provider’s customer support within the 30-day trial and you'll get a full refund. Start your NordVPN trial here. Why Does Fortnite Ban Users? Publisher Epic Games has been known to ban players for alleged cheating or even something so innocent as using a...
With the new enforcement strike system, Xbox aims to provide players with a robust method to reduce toxicity caused by problematic teammates. Every player begins with a clean slate, with 0 strikes. When a player violates theXbox Community Standards, they can get reported for various types of in...
Typically, information that an organization shares during a crisis may include any effect on business (such as hours of operation, new cleaning procedures or refund policies) and how the brand intends to support those affected by a crisis (such as donating goods, providing physical space for reli...
I'm not sure what to do. When I try to do anything in the EA app regarding the two DLC I redeemed in it (Discover University and Get Famous), there is no option to download just those two on their own. Unless I'm misunderstanding something (which could very well be). ...