This is where working with a trademark attorney offers some benefit. An attorney can guide you through the design process to ensure that the logo is unique enough for trademark approval. At the same time, you can focus on creating a logo that aligns with your company’s vision. Once complet...
How to Trademark a LogoHow do you register a logo trademark? Need to register a logo trademark? Here is a helpful resource on how to get started in registering a logo trademark with the USPTO. Need to trademark your logo? Contact US patent and trademark attorney Vic Lin at 949-223-9623...
but if you don’t trademark it, other people can produce similar logos that can be extremely confusing for consumers. This can hurt your brand’s identity as it can get lost in a sea of similarly designed logos. To prevent this, you need to know how you can protect your logo by trade...
Establishing source identifiers like your business name and logo are a solid start to that process—but you may want to consider trademark protection as well. In this post, learn how and when to get a trademark for your business. Plus, we’ll shed more light on the benefits of trademarks,...
Trademarking your company's logo is an essential step to protect your rights. It's also a complex process that requires expert legal assistance.
A trademark is a design, word, phrase, symbol, or logo (or a combination of these things) that identifies your business. It is a recognizable mark which differentiates your business from others in the market. A trademark signals to others that it is your intellectual property of which you ...
Learn how to trademark a logo with this comprehensive guide. Explore the steps, costs, and legal benefits of protecting your brand identity.
You obtain a trademark by using a logo, word, slogan or design that is associated with a product or service provided by your business. The key to establishing a trademark is using it actually and continually in commerce. The strength of your trademark rights depends on the uniqueness of your...
Trademarks can be wordmarks, design marks, or a combination of both. Conducting a thorough trademark search is crucial to avoid conflicts and ensure availability. Pro Tip:As you embark on your logo trademarking journey, consider using ourlogo makerto create a unique and memorable logo that stand...
Establishing source identifiers like your business name and logo are a solid start to that process—but you may want to consider trademark protection as well. In this post, learn how and when to get a trademark for your business. Plus, we’ll shed more light on the benefits of trademarks,...