Hi, I'm John, and I want to help you learn English. 这里有纯正又充满磁性的美音,这里有多样化的学习素材,这里有超过 19 万充满激情的英语学习者。关注清晨朗读会,让我们共同向梦想前进! Good Morning! 今天的练习内容来自《...
You’ve got the job, you’ve got the visa, now it’s time to get toNew Zealand! Our Relocation team works with expert global relocation companies to help you make the move. From flights and pet relocation all the way to opening a bank account, we help you get settled fast and enjoy...
What Model of Used Car or Campervan to Buy for New Zealand 30 Reasons to Travel in the Shoulder and Low Seasons in New Zealand 50 BEST Gifts for Backpackers & Travellers 🎁 [2025]
2. Get a Job in an International Organization and Make a Geographical Move Use your career center, alumni network and informational interviews to identify internships and jobs at international organizations. You might land an entry level job as a receptionist or administrative assistant. If so, ...
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Those nervous feelings will disappear when you land in magical New Zealand and take that first majestic hike and soak in the natural beauty that is unlike anywhere else in the world. Once you're settled, you can get a job and earn some money to continue to fund your travels throughout N...
【你需要做的事】 1.在校区总的新招目标下,制定相应的目标推进计划书 2.每月根据新招目标,分配每位顾问当月销售任务和目标,完成校区整体新招目标 3.每月根据新招目标,制定并推进相应的市场活动方案获取足量例子数 4.针对不同类型的家长,能够制定合理的咨询方案并完成成交 5.负责签单客户的服务和交接跟进 6.负责...
上班时间: 13点-21点,周一休,正常法定休,年假2周 Ishow素质成长中心是爱秀BOSS直聘集团旗下少儿事业部,全部是直营校区,平台稳定,前景好,工作地点可以就近分配。 【你需要做的事】 1.在校区总的新招目标下,制定相应的目标推进计划书 2.每月根据新招目标,分配每位顾问当月销售任务和目标,完成校区整体新招目标 3...
Watch this lesson to do well on Task 1 of the academic IELTS. Panicked about the writing section of the IELTS? Or do you work in a field that requires you to present graphs? This English lesson will teach you key vocabulary to use when describing differe
Who are we:Guest NZ is an independent New Zealand trip planning service / travel agency. What we do:When you plan your vacation with us, you’ll get an authentic NZ trip of a lifetime. What you get:Meet friendly locals, join small group tours and stay in hand-picked accommodation. ...