Fun and informative Minecraft how to videos and tutorials! Follow along with our free step-by-step instructions and video breakdowns!
The second item required is a flint and steel. This item doesn’t exist naturally and has to be crafted by mixing iron ingots with flint, which is obtained from mining gravel. Once you obtain flint and have iron ingots prepared from smelting iron ores, use the following recipe to make fli...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft flint with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, flint is an item that you can not make with a crafting table or furnace. Instead, you need to find and gather this item in the game. Let's e
Once you’ve collected your materials, the first step is to make a Nether portal and spawn in Nether. To do so, place 8 Obsidian blocks in a rectangular shape as below and use the flint & steel to activate it. In the Nether, you want to make your way to the Nether ceiling. Simply...
In Minecraft, these are the materials you can use to make a creeper head:1 Flint and SteelHow to get a Creeper Head in Survival ModeYou can add a creeper head to your inventory in Survival mode by blowing up a creeper with a charged creeper. So, let's get started!
How to Make an Iron Golem in Minecraft Redstone Components in Minecraft: A Complete Guide Step 2: Make the Spawning Platform Once you have all of the coordinates saved, let’s start building the wither skeleton farm in Minecraft. Now, choose one spot in the range of the X and Z coordina...
Minecraft Kill Command Guide: How to Fight Bad Guys When the sun goes down, the monsters come out! If you’re above ground, get your weapons on hand. If you find yourself in a cave, make sure to have your weapons ready at all times, because the sun doesn't shine underground. ...
What You Need to Get Netherite in Minecraft Since netherite or ancient debris generates only in the Nether dimension, you’ll need to first access it. So, gather 10obsidianat least and a flint and steel andmake a Nether portal in Minecraft. Apart from reaching the Nether though, you have ...
Why Would you Want to Make a Campfire in Minecraft Campfires produce light at a rate of 15 and soul campfires at 10. When built, campsites come with fireplaces lit by default. When /gamerule mobgriefing is enabled, camp fires may be started by striking them with or dispensing flint and ...
Music Discs have been around since the Alpha version of Minecraft, growing in number as new updates and lore are released. I'll walk you through all 19 of the Music Discs, what they sound like, and how you can get each and every one of them....