1. Me vs a player whos online 15 minute ("fast chess") rating was over 300 points higher than mine 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 abcdefgh (?) vs(?) Date: Event: Site: Round:? Result:1-0 1.d4Nf62.c4e63.Nc3Bb44.e3O-O5.a3Bxc3+6.bxc3d67.Bd3e58.f3Nc69.Ne2Re810.e4Nh511...
1. Misinformation:Misinformation refers to false or inaccurate information that is shared without the intent to deceive. It can be spread unintentionally or due to a lack of knowledge, misunderstanding, or errors. Misinformation can be spread by individuals who genuinely believe the information is tru...
The data can be released to bona fide researchers using normal procedures overseen by the Wellcome Trust and its guidelines as part of our core funding. The application can be found at: https://twinsuk.ac.uk/resources-for-researchers/access-our-data/. Data must be anonymized and conform to...
This is not a matter of me stopping supporting the club and not wanting them to win, just an acknowledgement that you don’t need to have a season ticket to get into any home game you wish to, as long as you are organized. I suspect the powers that be at the club are not too ...
I wonder why Jim Kirwan presented that as Bona Fide. Maybe the article’s title “Where’s the Rage?” infers that he is attempting to make us angry. I don’t know. Below is the “Onion-Span” transcript of the “explanation of House Bill 8791”, as it was read to those about to...
Across the survey, the participants responded to the statements presented to them along a 7-point rating scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree). Perceived SR. There is no generally agreed upon ‘scale’ for measuring SR perceptions, and we do not unconditionally consider...
But, unless a livelihood is grounded in some defensible notion of public value, strategic practicality can amount to nothing more than better rent extraction by an agency for the benefit of executives, employees, elected politicians, oligarchies or dictators, or indeed anyone else that can get in...
BFD Bees for Development (est. 1993; UK) BFD Brute Force Detection (computer network security) BFD Black Friday Deal (sales) BFD Barne- og Familiedepartementet (Norwegian: Ministry of Children and Family Affairs) BFD Conker's Bad Fur Day (video game) BFD Bloomington Fire Department (Indiana...