19 ways to get motivated Life will always present hurdles, but how you respond to them will steer your life’s trajectory. To kick your procrastination and stay focused when you're having a hard time, here are some things to keep in mind: 1. Reassess your goals Do you feel inspired by...
Far too often, it’s easy to have a negative attitude about work, and a negative attitude is like cancer to motivation. Rather than being down about the work that you have yet to complete, take the time to celebrate your accomplishments as you work. This doesn’t mean you have to throw...
Learn how to start a business—everything you need to set up and launch a company. Discover the best way to open a successful small online business, LLC or partnership.
Here's what to do: During an episode, leave the room (as long as you’re not endangering your child by leaving them alone). If they follow you, you can put them in their play room or call a time-out. If your child becomes physical—that is, tries to hit, kick, or bite—call ...
Want to find out how to get referrals? Follow this 8-step framework (with 55+ examples) to maximize word-of-mouth growth.
Managers often ask us how to get feedback from employees. Understanding the best way to get feedback from employees is the first step to creating a culture of Radical Candor.
If the buyer’s house can’t sell, the seller can use a “kick-out” clause. When you're willing to forgo some of your deposit to split amicably. Before Going Under Contract or During a ‘Free Look’ Period The easiest way to back out of a deal is to do so before there’s a ...
戴尔-卡耐基:人性的弱点 How to Win Friends And Influence Peoplethis is an action book第一篇 待人接物(为人处世)的基本技巧(原则) PART ONE: Fundamental Techniques in Handing People1.如欲采蜜,勿踢蜂房 "If You Want to Gather Honey, Don't Kick Over the Beehive"原则一: 不要批评,责怪或抱怨(任...
Opportunistic entrepreneurs are optimistic individuals with the ability to pick out financial opportunities, get in at the right time, stay on board during the time of growth, and exit when a business hits its peak. These types of entrepreneurs are concerned with profits and the wealth they will...
原则六: 尽量让他人多说话 PRINCIPLE 6 Let the other person do a great deal of the talking. 7.赢得合作的敲门 How to Get Cooperation 原则七: 让对方觉得这是他的创意 PRINCIPLE 7 Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers. ...