Though the Rich Presence only works for games, you can manually set the rich presence to anything by using third-party apps like DiscordRPCMaker. Again, you need to enable the Discord Rich Presence on Discord for this to work. Then use this app to easily create a game application that you...
Add the QuickNode Polygon Mumbai Testnet RPC we got in the previous step to MetaMask as a custom RPC. Learnhow to add a custom RPC in MetaMask. Get some Polygon Mumbai Testnet MATIC; you can useQuickNode Multi-chain Faucet. If the six steps outlined above are completed, you can start ...
To receive information about this transaction, the Mempool must be queried. This guide will demonstrate how to query a node’s mempool using QuickNode Ethereum nodes. Note: This guide shows you how to access the Ethereum mempool using native Ethereum JSON-RPC and Web3.js. Check out this ...
How to sign messages and verify signatures using Ethers.js and Alchemy’s Web3.js How to build a frontend React app and connect it to MetaMaskFeel free to reach out to us in the Alchemy Discord for help or @AlchemyPlatform on Twitter and let us know you just finished building your ...
And if you struggle to move forward, do let us know! This workshop is meant to be as accessible as possible; we want to know if it's not the case. Do you have a question? Join our Discord server, register, and join channel #tutorials-support Are you interested in ...
Let's craft a valid response, using what we know so far (and yes, we need to have the correct timestamp to get it): A=`python3 -c"import time;print(str(int(time.time() * 1000)))"`;curl -vvvvk"
are aware it is not a personal roleplay.In addition to gaining 1 RPC per 300 words and +1 DP per 900 words, you will also get a completion bonus once the saga is finished. The numbers in the chart below represent how many words you must personally have written to gain these bonuses:...
exe -config=serverDZ.cfg -port=2302 -dologs -adminlog -netlog -freezecheck -noFilePatching -BEpath=C:\DayZServer\battleye "-profiles=C:\DayZServer\PlayerLogs" "-mod=@RPCFramework;@Permissions-Framework;@Community-Online-Tools;@SQUAD MSF-C;@WeaponReduxPack;@BuilderItems;@OP_BaseItems;@Cl0...
How do you build this tech with scalability in mind? A distributed architecture is a fundamental building block to scalability. It allows each major component to scale independently as we grow. For example, at The Trade Desk, the components that handle incoming advertising opportunities or bid req...
Using Ethers.js to Swap Tokens Keep in mind, if the token you want to swap has no liquidity, a pair with liquidity must be created before you can swap. Time to get our swap on! We will be swapping ETH for DAI in our code example. Let us start by initiating our project. Open...