2. Crossbow Bolt What Makes the Crossbow Bolt Awesome: While most would laugh at a crossbow bolt on this list, its worth a lot more than most players give it credit for. The bolts are automatically unlocked immediately after you complete the game’s prologue. Easily found materials to asse...
Should Geralt and Yennefer become entangled, they will receive a unique epilogue pertaining to their time together. It is noted that the witcher and the sorceress entered the first roadside inn they could find and stayed in bed for weeks. They then spent the rest of their lives loving each o...
a longsword. The Knight will be the easiest class to master, as the base longsword is simple to wield. Combat-wise, fighting as a Knight inChivalry 2is reminiscent of being charged by guards inThe Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. The base stats for Knights are: ...