Expert advice on how to repair a toilet, how to fix a clogged toilet, including using a snake or plunger to remove clogs, and stopping a toilet that runs
For example, a 28-622 (700 x 28C) tire has a nominal width of 28 mm on a rim with a bead seat diameter of 622 mm To get an approximate diameter (in mm), add the bead seat diameter to twice the tire width (since the tire depth comes into the diameter twice: 622 + (28 X ...
Other common reasons for air leakage which can cause the low tire pressure light but tires are a fine issue include damage to the wheel rim due to physical shocks on the road like flying pebbles or debris, or a faulty tire valve that bleeds air gradually. Watch more: Low Tire Pressure Li...
Locate the leak. Go over the entire base, pressing gently with your hand. Look to see a rupture or break widen when pressure is applied. Make sure you find all the leaks. Drain the base of your portable basketball hoop. Turn it on its side and let the sand or water run out until i...
Depending on thetype of stopper,unscrew it or simply pull it out. If you have a pop-up stopper controlled by a lever on the front of the tub wall, it's connected to a rocker arm. To get it out, lift the stopper an inch or two and pull it toward the back of the tub to extrac...
Instead of the long shaft that's used in a multi-cylinder car engine, there is a single hub -- all of the piston's connecting rods connect to this hub. One rod is fixed, and it is generally known as the master rod. The others are called articulating rods. They mount on pins that...
1. Radiator cracked/punctured/torn The radiator is a part getting a lot of wear and tear due to the nature of its operation. Over time, radiators corrode. And this may be the common cause of the radiator being punctured, causing the cooling water to leak. ...
If your phone has a cracked screen, you can still repair it and retain some of its value. Even if the screen is totally busted and unable to be fixed, broken phones can be refurbished and stripped for parts, whether they’re recycled or used to repair other busted phones for resale. ...
A cracked belt will eventually break. The tension and general condition of the belt should therefore be checked at least monthly. The ignition light comes on to give immediate warning of a broken belt, as the generator stops working. But the first warning of a slipping belt may well be ...
We have hard water here and so we tend to get a ring around the toilet at the water line (some sort of calcification I guess). When I clean the toilet, I scrub the porcelain with baking soda or borax and let stand for an hour or so. Then I pour in some vinegar, let it bubble...