Start by contacting the debt collector to discuss your situation. Offer a lump sum payment or a payment plan that is less than the full amount owed. Always get the settlement agreement in writing. What happens if I ignore a debt collector? Ignoring a debt collector can lead to legal action...
We need outbound calls to be routed to TG-2 to be able to send out correct CLID 24006xxx using tandem cpn table. I am looking for a way for MsTean extentions 16xxx to utilize TG-2 to instead. Since all calls from MsTeans Cloud are through a SIP trunk with COR 1, Partition ...
Before I became an Oracle aficionado, my California license plate was "CPN COBOL". I received a lot of ribbing from my Oracle colleagues about being Captain COBOL until I relented and changed my plate to "DATA MAN". So, I know what challenges you are dealing with. Following, then, is ...
I've been trying for a while to get a response on a Motorola Droid to no success. The echo > /dev/smd0 trick doesn't work because there is no /dev/smd0, but I've tried plenty of others (from within adb) such as /dev/ttyS0-2 and so far no signs of life. Has...