To create a circle (loop) in CSS, we need to move the circle to the center of the loop and start the animation from there. We want the circle’s radius to be100px, so we will change the circle position totop: 20vh(30 is desired radius (10vhhere)). However, this needs to happ...
For entities, I chose to implement a circle and a rectangle. For walls, I chose triangles. With this approach, it is easy to add more entity shapes, and it is trivial to change the walls from triangles to general convex polygons. You just have to change the hard-coded3in a bunch of...
Not a function: “one to many“. In other words, let’s say you had one x-value that maps to many y-values. For example, — in coordinate notation — (2,1) and (2,10). If the first number (the x-value) repeats, then you do not have a function. To put that another way, ...
Getting to an 800 SAT Math score isn't easy. It'll require perfection. But with hard work and my strategies below, you'll be able to do it. I've scored 800 on Math on all my SATs, and I know what it takes.Follow my advice, and you'll get a perfect score—or get very close...
In this image, I have a few different singularities (shown as dots). But, since the original Taylor series (call it T1(x)T1(x), its shown as the large blue circle in the image) will exactly match the function within this disk, its possible to get another Taylor series (call ...