To use this vendor recipe, simply sell 3x Sambodhi's Wisdom to any vendor, and you will receive a random piece of armour with 30% quality. There is a chance that you will get Lochtonial Caress, but it is not guaranteed. You may have to repeat this process several times until you get...
Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to obtain the recipe through alternative means, and this will likely be the most challenging enemy you’ve faced at this point in the game.Grayson the Armourer is a level 27 foe that can (predictably) be found at the Bandit Armory. If you haven’t ...
How To Choose The Perfect Release For Your Jumpshot In NBA 2K22 So we like a jump shot with a smooth range of motion all the way through to the follow through. And today we went through every single release to find the smoothest range of motion for jump shot 98. And we se...
Spanning over 2,500 years and including arms from European and Ottoman cultures, it features fascinating examples of the armourer's art. Around the galleries STOURBRIDGE coach Mike Umaga has praised his players' attitude to the less glamorous art of defence after seeing them secure a second home...