How to find your curl type and care tips for the four types of hair texture from 2A to 3B to 4C, plus a curly hair type chart to help you identify your curl pattern.
"What we wear is how we present ourselves to the public, most especially, when human contacts are so rapid presently. Dressing is an instant language. So therefore, dressing is a form of self-expression of which there are i...
Curly Hair 101 Hi! Fine Curly Girls! Read This! I Have 4c Hair and I <3 These Blow Dryers A Beginner's Guide to the Curly Girl Method I Promise, Mousse Will Transform Your Curly Hair BRB, Slathering Coconut Oil Through My Hair
Curly Hair 101 Hi! Fine Curly Girls! Read This! I Have 4c Hair and I <3 These Blow Dryers A Beginner's Guide to the Curly Girl Method I Promise, Mousse Will Transform Your Curly Hair
Is plopping bad for your hair? As plopping allows you to cut down on the use of heated hair styling and drying products, it is not damaging to your locks at all. Instead, you will get more pronounced, smooth, and healthy-looking curls. ...
house, you should be able to forget your hair and focus 100% on the interview(s). No touching, no smoothing, no combing — no thoughts of “ow, these bobbypins are sucking my will to live and” (Ahem. Personally I hate bobbypins.)...
Gel does make your hair crispy but that’s not where you finish. You have to do the important second step to get the perfectly defined curls you’re searching for. Gel forms a casing around your hair that allows your hair to dry into fine ringlets and yes it does feel crispy. But th...
Curls show a definite loopy "S" pattern that is well-defined and usually springy.Type 3a curlshave a circumference the width of a piece of sidewalk chalk. 3a is where the hair starts to feel a bit more dry, so deep conditioning on a weekly basis is a good idea!
Type 1: Straight hair.Straight hair types tend to be shiny, oily and almost unresponsive to common curling techniques. While there are subcategories: 1A, 1B, and 1C, the differences between them does not call for different hair care routines, so these are often described together in the hai...
Type 3A Now we’re getting to the curls. Type 3A hair will have more of a spiral effect, with curls that are loose and bouncy. However, it’s also important to know that everyone’s hair is different and can be made up of various patterns in different areas. “Most of the time, ...