That is an incredible value considering that these servers are hosted on top quality hosting providers. In fact, you would need to literally spend hundreds of dollars per month if you wanted to set up your own servers on these providers. Not only doesWannaFlixhave fast servers for China, some...
He’s given $2 billion dollars to Ireland, $177 million to find a cure for dementia, and $100 million to UC San Francisco’s Medical Campus. And those are just a few examples of his generosity. 3. J.K. Rowling Had it not been for her philanthropy, J.K. Rowling would be on Forbe...
That means if you calculate that you need to save $20,000 a year to reach this goal, that's $20,000 in today's dollars (not in tomorrow's dollars), so you'll probably have to contribute a little more each year. When you calculate the return you need, you will also need to use...
Conclusion: High-Yield Investing Can Get You Financially Independent Fast Four years ago, I wrote that an investor could quit working and still have a passive income stream to maintain their lifestyle with just $330,000; however, as we can see above, it could actually take much less: below...