Discover what lucid dreaming is, including how and why it works, according to the research. Plus, how to have lucid dreams and wake yourself up from them.
Also be aware that if you choose to stealth camp, you could find yourself being woken in the middle of the night by the police. If this happens, be polite and respectful, don’t argue, and move your van. Do’s and Don’ts of Urban Stealth Camping DO choose a van that won’t ...
To create suspense, set up a dramatic question. A dramatic question is something like, “Is he going to make it?” or, “Is she going to get the man of her dreams?” By putting your protagonist’s fate in doubt, you make the reader ask, what happens next? To do this well, you ...
is both highly convenient and horribly disruptive of natural circadian rhythms. If you “try to go to bed earlier” you will generally fail in the long-term. Turning lights way down or completely off in the evening is the only way to get to sleep earlier unless you are a freak of ...
Shawn Coyne, an editor with over twenty-five years of experience, talks about the five elements of a story in his book,The Story Grid. “The five elements that build story are the inciting incident (either causal or coincidental), progressive complications expressed through active or revelatory ...
The various sensing elements are manufactured using specialized micromachining processes, while the IC interfaces are developed using CMOS technology that allows the design of a dedicated circuit which is trimmed to better match the characteristics of the sensing element. The LSM6DS3 has a full-scale...
you know, so much notice of these impending events, now you're woken up in the middle of the night to events that claim thousands of homes. There's no way, you know, as a human being, forget as a designer, as a human being to not consider these things ...
so I have not yet been cleared to return to my full yoga routine. However, I commonly use elements of yoga to process my day. I have 4 kids, so being able to find peace in the chaos of my day is a necessity. Core breathing has had the biggest impact on my ability to stay in ...
As I explain in “The One-Hour-A-Day Formula”, during the day you can be an average, ordinary person: you go to a job that pays the bills, clean up around the house, and cook dinner. However, for one hour a day—in the morning before anyone else has woken up, or at night af...
Culture War is Class War disguised. The Wealthy Elite--the "Filthy Rich"--foment Culture War in society to distract and cover their real economic motives. Culture War, Class War explores the resulting cultural divide--how it was instigated and kept alive