Cannabis seeds need warmth, moisture, and darkness to germinate. The sweet spot for temperature is around 70-90°F (21-32°C), and they need to stay moist but not drenched. Too much water, and they could drown. Too little, and they dry out. If you’re keeping it indoors, you might...
Set the seed tray in a location where the daytime temperatures stay between 68 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Indirect sunlight is best for many kinds of plants' seeds to germinate, but some plants' seeds need darkness in order to sprout. So expose your seed tray to dark as well as light. R...
Germinate Seeds or Care for Clones Vegetative Stage Flowering Stage Harvest Growing Tips & Hints Fix Common Growing Problems Intro to Growing Cannabis: Learn How to Grow Weed! You’re here because you want to learn how to grow weed indoors and are interested in a free “online class” about...
Introduction: How to Get to Harvest in 10 Steps Step 1: Choose Your Place to Grow Step 2: Choose Your Light Step 3: Choose Your Growing Medium Step 4: Get Cannabis-Friendly Nutrients Step 5: Where to Get Cannabis Plants Step 6: Germinate Your Seeds / Start Your Clones ...
Related:Gardening 101: How to Plant a Garden for Beginners Grow Vegetables Indoors with Starter trays Seed starter trayswith a warming mat will help ensure seeds germinate properly. Small containers can also work, but seed starter trays are more efficient and make seed germination easy. The cover...
It takes patience—and about a month—to germinate thyme seeds, but it’s not difficult to succeed with this popular herb. Just be sure to harden off any seedlings you may have started indoors before planting them outside. (Recall that you can also sow seeds directly into the garden once...
Whether you want to start seeds indoors or grow catnip as a houseplant, your growing medium should provide good drainage. Similarly, any pots you use should have at least one drainage hole. Catnip seeds need to go through the process of cold stratification in order to germinate. ...
Herb seeds of your choice A seed tray or one of these seedling pots Seed Starting mix Pots with proper drainage Follow these steps: Germinate the seeds in the seed tray by keeping them indoors (if the temperature is cold). Also, spritz them with water regularly. In about 7-10 days, the...
I asked the neighbor for some of the seeds and he was kind enough to give me a clipping with seeds. Now my question is how to germinate them? Should I remove the husk part on the outside or plant it as it is? I would really love to grow some from seed. Reply More Comments ...
Propagation:Sow seeds indoors in late winter or early spring, covering seeds lightly with pottingmix. Keep it moist but not soggy. Seeds will germinate in about 2 weeks. Thin out the seedlings sothe remaining plants have room to grow. Handle seedlings with care -- cilantro herbs have long ...