Valentin-WSP in reply to: Anonymous 08-16-2021 04:49 AM @Anonymous , Welcome to the AutoCAD forum. Your question is more Civil 3D than AutoCAD. See this comment from the Civil 3D forum: https://knowledge...
It is necessary to geo-locate your model to ensure buildings are in the correct location and prepare it for importing local context. Click File > Geo-location > Add Location and use the map to select the area that corresponds to your project and click Import. Then roughly align also the i...
I would like pretty much to have an exact spline from the 3d polyline that is georeferenced. I am open to any ideas that can serve as a workflow or as a universal approach to solve such problems. Reply Report Reply 1,039 Views 2 Replies Tags AutoCAD Geolocate mappin...
Healthcare enterprise budgeting for IoT devices is on par with other leading industries, such as manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, and energy, and the largest increase in three years is set to occur in 2020.
Locate your Windows operating system version in the list of below "Download libcef.dll Files". Click the appropriate "Download Now" button and download your Windows file version. Copy this file to the appropriate AutoCAD folder location: Windows 10: C:\Program Files (x86)\theHunter\launcher\...