Is this still the correct way to generate updates? The AdvancedInstaller used here is version 1 while the current one in Azure devops is @3. Is there no way to automate this via the .aip file? Daniel10/28/2024 Yes, the same approach should work with no problem with our last task ...
Thanks for posting in our Developer Community. Based on your description, you need to deploy the existing apk file to App Gallery(Huawei). There is no existing task in Azure DevOps can meet your requirement. You need to use command or script to upload the file ...
Hi, I'm able to programmatically (C#) call an azure devops API to get all the area paths in my organization. I'm using a PAT that I created. However, this PAT will expiry and don't want to generate new ones every time they expire, even though it can be every year maximum...
The complete software development life cycle is covered by the extensive feature and capability set provided by Azure DevOps. In addition to services for testing, building automation, and release management, Azure DevOps manages code versioning. It is well integrated with Eclipse and Microsoft's pop...
I didn't found any answer to my question on StackOverflow or in the @Microsoft Azure DevOps official documentation so I will try with this post. I am using the Releases in Azure DevOps to do deployment but I would like to add some tags to each Releasedynamically and automatically during...
Hi Azure community, I’m looking for advice on how to assign permissions to a specific user in Azure DevOps so they can add users or groups to an organization or project with the least privilege required (Can be able to perform add users and group in…
You can do this by creating an app registration and using MSAL to authenticate but to keep it simple for this blog post, we will create a Personal Access Token (PAT) then use that PAT token in the code. Steps to create a PAT token –Use personal access tokens – ...
[severity:It’s more difficult to complete my work] Hi, Am trying to export results of an azure devops project stats, which will include build succeeded percentage and analysis from the last couple of months. Tried with the few methods as per MS-Doc below....
Steps involved in migrating Azure DevOps Pipeline Variables to Azure Key Vault Step 1: Create an Azure Key Vault in Azure Portal Step 2: Create Secrets in Azure Key Vault Step 3: Create a service connection in Azure DevOps Step 4: Create Variable Groups in Azure DevO...
The Black Duck GitHub Action, GitLab Template, Azure DevOps Extension, and Jenkins plugins create seamless connectivity to test servers, which enables developers and DevOps teams to embed security testing into their existing workflows. Once configured, these plugins run automated security checks and ...