If you haven’t already gone through it, check out our detailed tutorial on how to generate reports in Selenium. Before you move to the next section, please make sure you have the right version of Eclipse software installed. In case, you are uncertain or don’t have the software then ...
In this blog, you will learn how to run Selenium tests in Jenkins. This blog will cover: An overview of the tools chosen for setting up the framework: Maven, JUnit, Selenium, and Jenkins, and how they interact. Adding all the dependencies and plugins needed for the tools to a Java proj...
In the third line of the above code, you can see the locator that triggers the attachment window has to be clicked. So the first thing that Playwright does is wait for the click to happen and then will continue to wait for the event ‘filechooser’. Once it recognizes the file uploader...
To learn how to integrate WebDriver into your Continuous Testing process check out this blog post “How to Automate Testing Using Selenium WebDriver, Jenkins and Allure“. With JUnit, you can manage user sessions and assert expectations and conditions, which together allow you to run comprehensive ...
Formulated as a leave-in treatment, this Allure Best of Beauty award-winning scalp product provides “instant hydration and lasting relief,” according to the brand. The key ingredients are ahyaluronic acid-basedmolecular patch to hydrate a tight, dry scalp, as well as a vitamin B3-based micro...
Next, you'll create a new Maven project. This can be done in two ways. The first is to use the following command in the command line (replace the parameter values as you see fit): mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.mycompany.app -DartifactId=my-app -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archety...
NUnit reports can serve as a considerable value addition to the tests performed using the said framework. Let’s look at NUnit report generation and how seamlessly you can integrate the NUnit reporting tool in the test implementation. As far as Selenium C# is concerned, Extent and Allure are...
To add Selenium to the Java project, you need to set up Selenium libraries in the project’s CLASSPATH. You need to add TestNG libraries to get better reports and test orchestration in our project. Step 1: Download the required Selenium libraries and Selenium Server from the Selenium home ...