Garage Sale,这是老美特有的活动。每当天气变暖,人们便开始整理家中的闲置物品,周末时分,在家门前摆个小摊,既能清理杂物,又能赚取一些外快。如果东西没卖出去,就当是晒晒太阳、呼吸新鲜空气了。当然,也有许多物品最终未能售出,只能无奈地扔进垃圾桶。Garage,即车库,在这里也寓意着“储藏室”。我...
Yet some things never change. When you need to sell lots of individual items quickly, your best move is a decidedly nondigital one: to throw an old-school garage sale. Call it a “yard sale” or “tag sale” if you prefer, but the meaning is clear: an “everything must go” liquid...
For a successful garage sale, the best time of year is spring. People love to garage sale shop during spring because they are itching to get out of their house, freshen up their homes, open their windows and breathe in fresh air. It’s a great time of year for people to decorate ...
how - to; GARAGE SALE CALENDAR; Here we go a-rummaging, Part II.(SOURCE)Ewoldt, John
上文"About two weeks before your garage sale,you'll want to advertise as much as possible. (在你的车库大拍卖前两周左右,你会想尽可能多地做广告)"说明在拍卖之前要尽可能多的做广告。F项中的The Internet和大标题中的online相呼应,而且给出为什么要在晚上做广告的原因。F项"互联网充满了宝贵的信息和...
You’re looking around your home and starting to get that creeping claustrophobic feeling that comes when you realize things are sitting around that haven’t been used in years, and your storage spaces are already full. Don’t worry, the garage sale is h
In fact, there are quite a few steps you can take to have a much more successful garage sale. We have put together a comprehensive guide that covers everything you need to know to make your garage sale a resounding success. From thorough planning and pricing to effective advertising and ...
In fact, there are quite a few steps you can take to have a much more successful garage sale. We have put together a comprehensive guide that covers everything you need to know to make your garage sale a resounding success. From thorough planning and pricing to effective advertising and ...
Know your stuff.Study old fashion magazines to look for telltale signs from specific eras, such as tags, zipper placements, and cuts. Keep large bags and cash on hand.You never know when you might stumble upon a vintage clothing sale. ...
Online marketplaces and classifieds.Sites like Craigslist might turn up some treasures, as well as listings for garage sales, moving sales, or estate sales. Pickers.Once you’ve built up your business, consider outsourcing by hiring a picker. This could be a person who simply makes the rounds...