Play Reload, OG or Lego Fortnite for passive XP once the BR XP dries up. The rate of passive XP gained while playing the various modes is not extremely fast--with passive XP and accolade XP, you can expect to gain two or more levels per hour just from playing whatever part of Fort...
Fortnite players don’t just play the game to grab aVictory Royaleor rack up on kills on the elimination board. One of the main goals for them is to gain as much XP as they can to level up and progress along their seasonal Battle Pass. Now that a new season is almost here that br...
Earning Experience Points (XP) in video games is an essential element, especially in FPS games like Fortnite, PUBG, or Valorant which have a rewards system. Now, if you have just started playing the popular FPS game Valorant, you might want to know how you can gain XP fast. Well, we ...
The leveling system inValhallais broken down into two parts: Your level and your power level. You earn levels by gain XP, as you would expect, and each level grants you two skill points to spend on new skills and abilities through the skill tree, which in turn increases your power level...
How to Unlock Battle Pass Bonus Rewards in Fortnite To unlock the Bonus Rewards tab, gamers will have to claim all 50Battle Pass rewards. They will then gain access to the first page of bonus rewards. As they progress through the rest of the Battle Pass, they'll be able to unlock an...
Toland at a hot spot inFortnite,simply locate a named POI with gold text and land within that area. You mustland for the first time, meaning your feet must touch the ground within the POIand its surrounding area for this to count toward any challenge. ...
InFortnite, Aspects of the Gods are powerups that help you increase your movement speed, raise your damage, or give you health regeneration. While they come at a cost, they’re worth collecting if you wish to challenge their bosses. Here’s how to get Aspect of the Gods. ...
To unlock Katalina, you can use one of theFortnite XP mapsto level up fast. While this skin is currently available for free, it will expire in early November. Epic Games will release it to the Item Shop by the end of the year, but it will no longer be free. ...
To recruit animals inLEGO Fortnite, you need to build a Barn and gain friendship with the creature. However, the process is a bit more complicated than that, as there are a few hurdles you need to clear first before you can start farming in the sandbox mode. ...
Here’s everything you need to know about leveling up fast inPokémon Go. How can you level up fast inPokémon Go? Anyone who’s ever played an MMORPG may be familiar with bugs or exploits that allow players to gain XP quickly in short periods. There aren’t any of them inPokémon Go...