And proper compression for the stroke-shaving, dynamic element that may be lacking in your game. We created a video series that explains how 7 laws affect golf ball compression. Law 1: How Your Swing Speed Affects Compression Law 2: How Your Swing Path Affects Compression Law 3:...
Golfers Want To Know: How To Swing Like MeThe article offers tips on how to make a golf swing look effortless.Golf Digest
As I mentioned previously, when coaching beginner golfers, I like to teach them the setup, then let them swing with one simple thought. Over the past 15 years I’ve found this is the best way to learn the golf swing. Many golfers try to help the golf ball up into the air, however ...
As you've no doubt seen, my golf students have been picking up some serious distance through my unique driver fittings that combine a golf lesson and fitting through technology to help golfers gain 30+ yards in one session. One of the things that gets attention during these sessions is the...
XXIO vice president Chuck Thiry tells Golf Today's Matt Adams how the company helps "moderate swing-speed players," before showing on a driver, fairway wood and two irons how that design works.Up Next 4:44 Is there appetite for Tiger and McIlroy’s TGL? 10:14 Wagner on his 2012...
The key point to remember is that the curved flight in a slice/fade is caused by the club face being open to your swing path at impact,not an out-to-in swing path alone. This misunderstanding prevents so many golfers getting better. ...
In this lesson, Matt focuses on the one thing that most golfers are missing in their practice. It’s hard to do, but it will separate those who improve from those who won’t. Continue Reading » The Biggest Lie in Golf July 29, 2024 One of the fastest ways to improve your gam...
Many golfers tend to lose their patience here. The trick here is to keep calm and go for the backswing. Concentrate on making the correct contact without worrying much about the swing. Step 8: Balance Maintenance Although many players tend to overlook this factor, it is crucial to maintain ...
is short then you need to work on a bigger circle (arc) for the clubhead to create more momentum(speed). If the flight is low and the divots barely noticeable then you need to work on the plane of your swing. Get with a PGA Professional and have him/her look at your swing. ...
One aspect often underestimated by golfers is the compression rating of a golf ball. Compression refers to the amount of squeeze the ball undergoes when struck. TaylorMade offers balls of varying compressions to suit different swing speeds. A lower compression ball can help you achieve greater dist...