Practicing mindfulnesscan increase your attention span and ability to focus. It has also been shown to improve memory and cognitive skills. “If we know the divine art of concentration, if we know the divine art of meditation, if we know the divine art of contemplation, easily and consciously...
My lack of concentration (and subsequent forgetfulness) isn’t surprising—and I know I’m not alone in my lack-of-focus funk. We live in an age where information is flying around at light speed. We can’t work without a steady stream of interruptions from e-mails, texts, or tweets an...
Compared to fruit and tea, I prefer to choose coffee because it can inspire the mind and increase concentration. As far as I am concerned, drinking a cup of coffee in the morning is a good way to improve the effectiveness of work and get into a working condition quickly. Even though ...
To focus on something means having the ability to concentrate; to involve and immerse yourself (full sensory experience) within a task, activity or goal for an extended period of time without distraction.In other words, to focus on something is by no means a passive act. It’s rather someth...
Your ability to focus at work is an important aspect of setting yourself up for success. To overcome your concentration woes, it can be helpful to learn about some of the common reasons for a lack of focus. Identifying what’s causing the problem can help you manage distractions and build ...
Internal and external distractions, like the ones described above, cause us to lose focus. But by honing your concentration skills, you can defend against these disruptive forces. The techniques outlined below will help you maximize your focused study time, as well as regain your focus if you ...
If you're procrastinating because you find a task unpleasant, try to focus on the "long game." Research shows that impulsive people are more likely to procrastinate because they are focused on short-term gain. Combat this by identifying the long-term benefits of completing the task. For insta...
Reading quickly with good comprehension requires focus and concentration. Minimize external noise, distractions, and interruptions, and be mindful when your thoughts wander as you read. If you notice that you’re fantasizing about your next meal rather than focusing on the text, gently bring your ...
goalistodo somethingasbestaswecan,toexecute.Thenweconcentrateonwhatwehavealready masteredandwetrytominimizemistakes. 1:35Bothofthesezonesshouldbepartofourlives,butbeingclearaboutwhenwewant tobeineachofthem,withwhatgoal,focusandexpectations,helpsusbetterperform andbetterimprove.Theperformancezonemaximizesour...
The main reason for investing in active funds is to get alpha, a return greater than the benchmark index, says Anthony Denier, CEO ofWebull Financial, a New York-based trading company. "This makes it hard to gain a pricing advantage and almost impossible to consistently 'beat the market,'...