Going to a talk or seminar about your subject is the best way to gain the information you need – some universities had out extra information booklets at these talks as well. This is another reason why you should look for open days early as well because often these talks will have limited...
With this is mind, young people entering the workforce shortly will need to think about the roles of the future and how to “futureproof” their careers, taking into consideration which roles will suit them, their skills and interests. It’s also important to gain transferable skills, as w...
Students completing this exciting course will gain useful knowledge of how the brain learns, remembers and forgets. Persuasive Communication (TA905-1A) This course will introduce you to the arts of organization, style, and delivery to help make you a more confident and persuasive public speaker. ...
In 2015, the Scottish Government added £125 back on to some grants, costing it around £5m, and in 2016 it reversed most of the cut to the threshold for maximum grant, raising it to £18,999 (likely to have cost it a bit under £2m a year). The current system The resulting...
Student Underground was created to provide reassurance to those students currently going through this period, as well as an outlet for sharing extra, up-to-date advice on a range of further and higher education topics. These include choosing GCSEs and A levels, filling out the UCAS application...
your degree will open the door to a wide range of careers in hospitality, from event planning to adventure tourism. While in some cases your working hours may be unsociable, and you might be paid on a performance or commission basis, you are likely to gain a large amount of job satisfacti...
which acts in all parts of the world to determine the destinies of a large number of people that make recurring use of substances that bring great immediate benefits while also producing irreversible long-term harm: the hardened smokers who, to gain the benefit of nicotine intake cigarette after...