“No one is immune to the disease of addiction,” warns Katherine Ketcham, the coauthor of thirteen books, including Teens Under the Influence: The Truth About Kids, Alcohol, and Other Drugs – How to Recognize the Problem and What to Do About It and the bestselling classic Under the In...
Our youngest son 16 has ODD, it is a challenge day to day, mood swings, gets angry over nothing, he tries to be our parent, always questions us when we try to discipline him. I am so glad to find this site, hopefully to gain insight and advice. Trying our best to raise him u...
I know I've had this issue but have yet to truly face it. I sometimes want to end everything because of it. I'm only 16. I have read most of these posts and while reading these I have realized that it needs to end I don't know how to. My parents won't help me. I believ...