为何这篇 How to gain control of your free time 在TED播放363万次,在网易公开课116.3万次(截止2017年4月30日),如此火爆?这是Laura Vanderkam2016年10月的TED演讲,二话不说,先来看看视频。如何choose time for what matters and build life we want?感受Laura 演讲的魅力,不羁的笑容!TED 如何掌控你的自由时间...
minimize 在这里的意思是”to try to make something seem less important than it really is”. 与play down意思相近。 struggle直译为挣扎,这里引申理解为“其他人面临的问题”更为贴切。 empowering means to give somebody more control over their own life or the situation they are in. 这里指对…有控制...
TED精选 《如何掌控自己的空闲时间》(07)时间感知 How to gain control of your free time _ Laura Vanderkam#教育 #启蒙 #TED #英语 #演讲 #时间管理 #知识分享 #亲子 6-12孩子升学不理想?不如在家学科创,提升竞争力! 0 00:00 小学容易被忽视的提升通道!家长都要关注一下!
TED演讲播放量最高视频 032 How to gain control of your free time _ Laura Vanderkam 11:55 TED演讲播放量最高视频 033 Are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger _ David Ep 14:54 TED演讲播放量最高视频 034 I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church. Here_'s why I left _ 15:...
How to gain control of your free time Laura Vanderkam When people find out I write about time management,they assume two things. One is that I'm always on time, and I'm not. 当人们发现我写关于时间管理的文章时,他们都会假设两件事...
We all had to just take a moment together and savor that irony. 我们都需要一点时间去好好地 体味一下这有多么讽刺。 00:28 The second thing they assume is that I have lots of tips and tricks for saving bits of time here and there. Sometimes I'll hear from magazines that are doing a ...
I was once late to my own speech on time management. We all had to just take a moment together and savor that irony. The second thing they assume is that I have lots of tips and tricks for saving bits of time here and there. Sometimes I hear from ma... 文档格式:DOCX | 页数:5 ...
【视频+英文文稿】如何掌控你的空闲时间/How to gain control of your free time 贴心提醒 (手指在框内上下滑动即可查看) 英文文稿 00:00 When people find out I write about time management, they assume two things. One is that I'm always on time, and I'm not. I have four small children, ...
今天看了 TED 的演讲:How to gain control of your free time,有些豁然开朗了。作者提到一个颠覆我认知的观点: I think this idea has it completely backward. We don't build the lives we want by saving time.We build the lives we want,and then time saves itself. ...
how to gain control of your free time_腾讯视频 按照设定的pattern,今天主要关注三个维度中的第二个维度,演讲方式,我以面和体的形式记录下自己的理解。 面(段) 颠覆常识的开头(指出对时间的误解) 讲者开头陈述大众对时间管理认知的常识,并指出其实并非如此,引起听众的好奇心。