It uses its fire to build a metal armor to protect its scaleless body. Apart from being hot, this fire is also incredibly bright, as it can temporarily blur the vision of other dragons. The Armorwing can also use its fire to melt parts of its armor, and fling flaming chunks of metal...
Sometimes, you may not need to use any filler metal at all, especially if you are welding very thin sheet metal, such as 0.5mm or less.In this case, you can use a technique called autogenous welding, where you fuse the edges of the sheet metal together without adding any filler. This ...
When the temperature rises inside the hair dryer, the strip heats up and bends because one metal sheet has grown larger than the other. When it reaches a certain point, it trips a switch that cuts off power to the hair dryer. (For more information on bimetallic strips, see How ...
This graphic shows a simple metal oxide varistor (MOV) surge protector with line conditioning and a fuse. HowStuffWorks In the most common type of surge protector, a component called a metal oxide varistor (MOV) diverts the extra voltage. As you can see in the diagram to the left, an...
The ones we are going to work with today are the stitch-on kind.I picked them up on Etsy. So, let’s get down to the tutorial, shall we? Metal Frame Purse Supplies: Instructions {this post has been updated from a previous version to include additional instructions} ...
A pair of sunglasses seems so simple -- it's two pieces of tinted glass or plastic in some sort of plastic or metal frame. How much more straightforward can something get? It turns out that there are many different things you can do with two pieces of glass, and these things can have...
A pair of sunglasses seems so simple -- it's two pieces of tinted glass or plastic in some sort of plastic or metal frame. How much more straightforward can something get? It turns out that there are many different things you can do with two pieces of glass, and these things can have...
When the current jumps to unsafe levels, the electromagnet is strong enough to pull down a metal lever connected to the switch linkage. The entire linkage shifts, tilting the moving contact away from the stationary contact to break the circuit. The electricity shuts off. A bimetallic strip ...
Probably the next most common thing, if you happen to work in an office. Not the fat plastic-coated paperclips, but pretty much any small metal paper clip will get your SIM tray ejected. And when you're done, you can use it to attach various bits of paper together. ...
If you find a rough spot, you may be able to smooth it with an emery board or light sandpaper. If this doesn't work -- or if you have to cut to bare metal to remove the roughness -- the tub should be replaced. In this case, it's probably much wiser to replace the entire ...