The typical length of a hospital stay after a stroke isfive to seven days. During this time, the stroke care team will evaluate the effects of the stroke, which will determine the rehabilitation plan. Has anyone fully recovered from a stroke? According to the National Stroke Association,10 pe...
This guide reviews some of the most common hiking injuries, how to identify them, how to prevent them and what to do when you're injured on trail.
If you suffer from night sweats, you're not the only one. Night sweats come from a variety of causes. In our post, we discuss solutions to end night sweats.
To understand how soon you can nurse your baby after C-Section, you need to understand how your body gets ready for nursing. There is a hormonal shift that takes place when the placenta separates from the uterus. This separation is the signal that the milk has been produced. It is importa...
These early experiences led to Ushiba working at the junction of neuroscience and AI, with the aim of using a BCI and neurofeedback training to encourage the formation of new neural pathways for rehabilitation of stroke survivors. “BCIs are a tool in neuroscience that connects the brain to ...
"A single silent stroke may not cause any symptoms," adds Dr. Liebeskind, "but over time, silent strokes chip away at your ability to function." It happens when a tiny clot—maybe a piece of plaque that breaks from a vessel in your arm or leg—meanders its way to the brain and ...
The accumulated fatigue is slow to disappear, and it takes a while for this athlete to fully recover and achieve that superhuman feeling we all crave during the taper phase. These “late responders” tend to be older, sprinting dudes who require a longer taper as a result of the added time...
To me, it was a movement that seemed not much different from having a stroke. I remembered how amazed I felt whenever I saw how, for humans, understanding the meaning of such small movements came just as naturally as breathing. The captain pushed Kang Woo Min aside and came in front of...
Acute stroke (cerebrovascular accident) is a neuronal failing and destroying condition that happens when the blood supply in the brain is cut off. A person who suffers from an acute stroke needs to seek early treatment and follow the guidelines strictly to recover fully. Answer and Explanation: ...
How a lack of sleep is related to various health conditions A lack of sleep may have an impact on various aspects of a person’s health. While some impacts of sleep deprivation may not yet be fully understood, research has revealed the adverse impacts of lack of sleep in various areas...