Preserving peak-season produce just got a whole lot easier thanks to our How to Freeze Anything Guide from the experts in the GH Innovation Kitchen.
Pre-freeze the zucchini by laying the slices out on a baking sheet and placing these in the freezer. Once it has frozen for 1-2 hours, transfer it to the freezer bags. Using this method, you’ll ensure that your zucchini doesn’t get stuck together into a large unusable clump. You ca...
I’m still growing and freezing fresh basil every summer and if you have a garden where you’re growing basil or one of those basil plants from the grocery store on your counter, this post will help you freeze that basil it to use all winter in soup, stew, and pasta sauce. And wheth...
Introduction: How to Grow Fresh Garlic Have you ever wished to grow garlic yourself? well read this and you will know. Step 1: Get a Garlic Seed. break up the garlic and get one seed out just like in the picture above. Step 2: Place You Seed in a Moist Place place your seed in ...
Now that you have successfully grown and harvested your garlic, it is time to decide how to store your aromatic crop. The best way to store garlic depends on how you intend to use it. Continue reading to learn more about how to store fresh picked garlic from your garden, including garlic...
The bottom line Garlic is an essential pantry ingredient. You can store whole heads at room temperature in a dry, dark place, refrigerate peeled or cut cloves in an airtight container or freeze garlic in oil. With a variety of ways to store (and eat!) fresh garlic, you'll never have...
Planting Garlic—From a Clove Yes, garlic is planted from a single clove, often from the past season’s garlic harvest! Each clove will grow into a new bulb. While garlic can be planted in early spring, however, it’s more common to plant in late fallafter a hard frost to give garlic...
Carrots require from 50 to 80 days to reach maturity; baby carrots can be harvested in about 30 days. Grow carrots in loose soil free of stone and obstacles; this will allow the roots to grow straight and unimpeded. Roots will fork if they hit an obstacle. Grow carrots in soil rich in...
Shelled garden peas are also called fresh peas. Shelled garden peas have wrinkled seeds and high sugar content. They are usually cooked as a vegetable. Shelling peas also include field peas that are left on the vine to mature and dry. Later these peas are harvested and shelled. Field peas ...
By freezing vegetables, you'll be able to eat off-season, savory dishes packed with summer flavors. Round out your food preservation regimen by learning how to freeze vegetables with great tips to turn your garden harvests into delicious, off-season meals. Freezing fresh vegetables is a fast ...