The equation of a parabola is a second-degree polynomial, also known as a quadratic function. Scientists model many natural processes with parabolic curves. For instance, in physics, the equation of projectile motion is a second-degree polynomial. Use a TI-84 graphing calculator to draw parabolas...
Texas Instruments manufactures the TI-84 Silver Edition graphic calculator. The TI-84 Silver Edition has several features, such as a built-in USB port, a clock, 1.5 megabytes of flash ROM and a backup cell battery. In addition to many other preinstalled programs, the TI-84 Silver Edition ha...
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For a TI-83/84 calculator Click the mode button and select SCI on the top line to keep the number you input remains in scientific notation. When you press the enter key when in NORMAL mode, the number will be extended. Let’s utilize the same 1.52 x 10 ^5 example as the TI-30. ...
How to calculate probability of independent events How to find the probability of events a or b How to find the probability of events a and b How to calculate probability on a calculator What is the easiest way to calculate probability? The probability distribution for x is presented in the ...
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