Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice and play it to listen to how you have pronounced it. Can you pronounce this word better or pronounce in different accent or variation ? Phonetic spelling of sage seyj Sey-JH Add phonetic spelling Meanings for sage a mentor in ...
I don't think that black_zion was inserting in any way that it ,or you, or anything is dumb for using Imperial measurement just that in computer circles, that most computer specs are in Metric and have been for about 30 years now. Again I agree it would be nice to have the op...
The raw data is available on the European Parliament website in HTML format. The creation of the dataset was lead by Philipp Koehn, author of the book “Statistical Machine Translation.” The dataset was made available for free to researchers on the website “European Parliament Proceedings Paral...
This is a Python IDE as well as a general text editor. You need to install PyS60 first in order to install it. Also, you need to install it on the same place that you installed PyS60 (phone memory). It has many features, in particular auto completion. You can acce...
I converted both NLLB and Whisper to onnx format and quantized them in int8 (excluding some weights to ensure almost zero quality loss), I also separated some parts of the models to reduce RAM consumption (without this separation some weights were duplicated at runtime consuming more RAM than...
I don't think that black_zion was inserting in any way that it ,or you, or anything is dumb for using Imperial measurement just that in computer circles, that most computer specs are in Metric and have been for about 30 years now. Again I agree it wou...
I don't think that black_zion was inserting in any way that it ,or you, or anything is dumb for using Imperial measurement just that in computer circles, that most computer specs are in Metric and have been for about 30 years now. Again I agree it wo...