One neat thing about Amazon is that you can easily format an e-book using Kindle Create, a free formatting software that makes your book look professional before you upload it to Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). If you’re wondering how to format a book for Kindle, keep reading. We’ll...
IngramSpark has long been the leading alternative to Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) Print for print-on-demand books. This is especially true if you are not exclusive to Amazon. While this is not a comparison of IngramSpark to Amazon KDP print, most authors choose to use IngramSpark because ...
Inside your KDP account, head to the top and hit the ‘Help’ section. In the left column, you’ll find all the topics you need. In this case, we’re interested in formatting our books, so click on‘Format Your Paperback’under the ‘Book Formatting’ section. Then, click on‘Set Tr...
In this article, we’re going to talk all about book formatting. We’ll talk about what book formatting is, whether you should format a book, and 11 simple tips for how to format a book yourself. What is book formatting? Book formatting is the way your book looks. It’s the layout ...
Access my free complete guide to selecting the right Kindle Keywords so that your eBook's rankings in Amazon will be higher.
With my experience as a published author of over 80 books, I have created this guide on how to write and publish a book so you too can have the tools you need to become a published author. One popular self-publishing platform is Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), which offers a fre...
If Your Book is NOT Enrolled in Amazon KDP Select If your book is not enrolled in KDP Select, but you would like to promote it for free, then you have to rely on Amazon to price match your book. There are a few steps you need to take to achieve an Amazon price match your title....
Of the free options on this list,Kindle Createis the best formatting tool. It’s a program created by Amazon specifically forself-published authors to format their booksfor Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). That means you’re guaranteed that the eBook files will function properly on Kindle devices...
Are you publishing an ebook, a paperback physical book, or both? Do you want to stick with Amazon (the largest distributor in the world) and take advantage of things they offer to authors who publish exclusively to them, or do you want to go “wide” and publish your book on multiple ...
Amazon KDP is dominating the space, given its connection to the largest online retailer in the world. If you want to publish on Amazon KDP, make sure your ebook is in a format Amazon accepts (like EPUB or TXT). You can convert PDFs to these formats online. ...