A“tag” refers to a nation’s unique three-letter ID in EU4’s source code. The game checks these tags to find out which nations are eligible for things such as…
Now we can use the Invoke web service to call a post method that will create our new item. You can see in the custom headers section where we utilized the output of the authentication call to pass our bearer token. Additional information on how to generate the Request body when working wi...
AsMiri Rubin notes, the medieval times can form a mascot to construct and uphold traditionalist nationalist identity. These reactionary views “echo the desire of those who fostered national identities and their expression in nation-states” – a desire often framed in light of the “ancient heroi...
There was a buzz about this band that had filtered its way through the metal underground system, saying that San Francisco’s Possessed were about to take the thrash world by storm. And when the album did make it out, via Combat in the United States and Roadrunner in Europe, then all ...
Second, in European countries, the location choices of the rich are driven by the presence of (natural) amenities rather than by the location of new construction, as is the case in the United States [30]. Thus, it is reasonable to assume that, in the Netherlands, the locations of ...