The French verbacceptermeans "to accept" or "to take." It is a regular verb, which means that conjugating it to fit a specific subject pronoun is relatively easy. This lesson will show you how to begin forming complete sentences in French with the proper use ofaccepter. Conjugating the Fre...
Interrogative Sentences in French from Chapter 3 / Lesson 9 83K In this lesson you will learn the different ways to form interrogative sentences in French. You will learn structures using ''est-ce que'', intonation, and inversion phrases that will help you to confidently ask questions in ...
You might be surprised at how different you sound to yourself compared to what others hear. Beyond the mechanics, consider the context. Saying "French" in a sentence will feel more natural than saying it in isolation. Try embedding it in different sentences to get comf...
How to Learn French SentencesKelly Sundstrom
Thousands of sentences in over 60 languages. Ready to take your language skills to the next level? Clozemaster Get rid of ads withClozemaster Pro! Play “Please” in French – Informal The second way to say please in French iss’il te plaît. This is also French forif you please, but...
How do you say in French “ to make sure to” in the sence of “make an effort to “? How would you translate the following sentences:The government has to make sure each kid is safe when they go to school.Make sure to move the sofa by Wednesday.We have to make sure there are ...
Learn French in context with Clozemaster Clozemasterhas been designed to help you learn the language in context by filling in the gaps in authentic sentences. With features such as Grammar Challenges, Cloze-Listening, and Cloze-Reading, the app will let you emphasize all the competencies necessary...
In English, nouns are words that are used to identify people, places, or things. For example, the dog or the beach. But how do you make them plural? This article will explain some simple rules for plural nouns in English and how to use them in sentences. So, if you are learning ...
is that you absorb the grammatical patterns and vocabulary from the sentences without making a conscious effort to learn them. You also learn these things in context, which shows their usage. You could use flash cards and/or a spaced repetition system such asMnemosyneto learn the sentences. ...
i was seeing some examples of native french speaker saying "comment"in sentences like "comment allez vous?" they said "commentallez vous" like mixing the 2 words in oneand in sentences like "comment aller" they dont said 'commentaller" they said separatelyhow can i know when i need to ...