In order to form an LLC, you’ll have to choose a name that is not already on the Secretary of State’s records as being the name of another domestic or qualified LLC or other business entity. Many sole proprietors operate under a registered“doing business as” (DBA) na...
Steps to form a corporation in Arizona To start a corporation or professional corporation in Arizona, you must file the Articles of Incorporation with the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC). Note that this is different from many other states that require you to file with the Secretary of State...
In order to form an LLC, you’ll have to choose a business name that is “distinguishable on the record”. That means the name is not already on the Secretary of State’s records as being the name of another domestic or qualified LLC or other business entity. This is important to know...
About: Cityteam provides food, shelter, clothing, training and spiritual transformation to address poverty and homelessness in San Jose, San Francisco and Oakland by caring for immediate needs and enabling lasting solutions. Website: Volunteer: We are a day shelter and we pr...
Hudson seeks to guide public policy makers and global leaders in government and business through a vigorous program of publications, conferences, policy briefings and recommendations. Visit for more information. Hudson Institute 1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Suite 400 Washington, D.C...