How to Fold paper stars,堆糖图片。堆糖,美图壁纸兴趣社区。拥有几十亿高清优质图片,数千万用户的珍藏分享,一键收藏下载美图,点亮生活无限灵感,做你的美好研究所:情侣头像,手机壁纸,表情包,头像,壁纸,高清壁纸,图片,壁纸图片,图片下载。
Lately I've just been diggingOrigami projects. There's just something so relaxing about folding paper to create lovely things. For today's post I wanted to share a recent origami project- thesefolded and cut origami stars. They are really, really beautiful and of course, super simple to make!
How to Make Paper Stars Tutorial Step 1 - Gather Supplies Gather your supplies. Step 2 - Cut Your Paper Pieces Cut 2 square pieces. I cut 6 ½" (16.5 cm) squares. Step 3 - Fold 4 Times You will make a total of four creases on your paper square: fist straight, then diagonal...
This is a classic 5-pointed origami star that you’ve probably been drawing your entire life. Besides one slightly tricky fold, it’s overall pretty easy to make. You will need two pieces of paper and some tape to make this. Step 1 ...
Folding ninja stars with paper is an easy and fun project and folded ninja stars can be used as a decoration or craft piece when completed. The origami ninja star is fun and easy to fold. The weight, form and shape is even and balanced all around making it also fun to throw. ...
Fold the top edge down to the bottom edge. Folding the Paper The Spruce / Chrissy Pk For the pink paper, fold the top left corner in and down. Fold the bottom right corner in and up. For the purple paper, fold the bottom left corner in and up. Fold the top right corner in and ...
Make a paper star lantern: easy tutorial with free printable templates! Lit with LED fairy lights inside, this Mexican tin star inspired enchanting paper lantern is perfect for a covered patio or as table decor!
How To Fold An Envelope Out Of Paper (With Washi Tape Edge) How To Make An Origami Envelope ORIGAMI HEARTS Origami hearts are perfect for Valentine's Day but don’t let that put you off making them all year round. They make a great gift for a loved one any time of year. Hang ...
You repeat this step until you have used up all your paper – I think we did about 4-5 wraps? 11) Wrap until you are left with one little bit 12) Tuck this piece in. Some people like to use a little glue to secure this last fold and tuck, but you shouldn’t strictly speaking ...
Draw your star at one end of the strip of paper. Now you will accordion fold the paper leaving your star at the top. You’ll want to make a wider part at the tip that connects the stars at the fold. This connects all of the stars together. ...