I’m guilty of losing focus. I have times where I feel so frustrated, I go to check my Google Reader or my e-mail. But doing this is just the beginning of letting yourself be sucked into the black hole that is the Internet. If you really have a hard time preventing yourself using ...
The writing brought up an older trauma as well. When he was nine, he says, he survived a shooting in a barbershop in Brooklyn. He had night- mares about it over the years but tried not to focus on it. He star...
A value proposition sets you apart from the competition in the eyes of your target audience. Get this free template to help streamline your efforts.
The very act of deciding to evaluate where you are in life and setting writing goals to move in the direction of your dreams is already admirable, considering how exhausted everyone tends to be in their everyday hustle. After all, who wants to write, when you can just lean back and watch...
You’re going to be tempted to give up writing your book when you run out of ideas, when your own message bores you, when you get distracted, or when you become overwhelmed by thesheer scopeof the task. But what if you knew exactly: ...
Eliminate distractions when writing In a world where distractions are coming at us from every angle, it’s important to learn how to eliminate them. Write in a place where you are able to fully focus on your craft. Create a writing plan, and actually follow it in adistraction-freeplace. ...
Instead, break up your lifetime writing objectives into smaller chunks so that you can think through the steps it will take to make your dreams actually happen. When big goals are broken down into smaller, more manageable steps, the likelihood of succeeding all your goals becomes a reality. ...
Body #1:Most students think writing an essay is tedious because they focus on external rewards. Body #2:Students should instead focus on internal fulfillment when writing an essay. Body #3:Not only will focusing on internal fulfillment allow students to have more fun, it will also result in ...
It can be a helpful checklist when writing. What are the key elements of a writing rubric? Key elements assessed in a writing rubric include focus, thesis, organization and structure, development of ideas, support of the thesis statement, audience, tone, point of view, vocabulary, and writing...
Break the work into smaller parts to stay focused. Choose a distraction-free space for writing. Focus on writing first; refine later. Share drafts with others for valuable input. Writing your ebook is a big chunk of the overall process. Finding help to make the writing process as painless ...