Problem is, it’s just like the Palace of The Dead. If you were playing during Heavensward days, you may be having flashbacks. Plus, depending on how much of PoTD you did, those flashbacks may not be good ones. So you may be a little reluctant to step into something that’s just a...
However, in each expansion, you’ll need to unlockAether Currentsin order to fly in each zone. About half of the Aether Currents are just interactable swirling winds on the map in notable locations, whereas the other half come from completing quests in the zone. (These quests will be marked...
you’ll need to have completed the Litany of Peace quest from Patch 3.3. That’s around the middle point of the Heavensward expansion when things in The Holy See of Ishgard are beginning to calm down. With relative peace returned to the city, you can then head back to ...