A Marine adds Tabasco sauce to flavor a breakfast MRE Photo courtesy U.S. Department of Defense In other words, if you grew up like a lot of Americans, eating casseroles, Hamburger Helper and lots of prepared foods out of a can or a jar, then an MRE is a completely normal, comple...
First, we need a large cooking pot. Put it on the stove. It's time to make our soup. Onion adds a lot of flavor... 分享回复赞 僵尸毁灭工程吧 这名字也被占 【资讯】6月8日Zed Alors! 分享54赞 1加7吧 娜洁莎 【1+7】记录——我身边的事。。。 分享68赞 沪江吧 冰月淩雪 【面试】从...