I'm using Vivado and Vitis 2022.1 with a very simple project that has the QSPI declared in the MIO configuration:I can upload the project via JTAG with Vitis IDE but after creating a .BIN file that includes the bootloader and the bitstream, I cannot upload the image to the flash as a ...
I am trying to create partition of QSPI(32 Mb) on imx6ul-evk board but i am unable to do that.After partition i want to burn bootstrap loader(u-boot-imx6ulevk_qspi1.imx),kernal image(zImage),device tree(zImage-imx6ul-14x14-evk.dtb) and rootfs from manufacturing...
Remembere to use the FSBL.elf and u-boot.elf specifically generated for the QSPI x1 configuration. Boot from flash: Select the appropriate boot mode (QSPI24 or QSPI32) and power up the board. It is important to know that the CSU ROM will always try to boot in the most efficient way,...
This method makes it easy to create a variable frequency clock and passes timing analysis “by design”. Take a look at the following post where I describe the method for use with an SPI interface to flash memory. https://forums.xilinx.com/t5/FPGA-Configuration/Qspi-flash-memory/m-p...
The block diagram below illustrates the Programmable Logic section and SoC (Processing System) section of Zynq: TheTelestomodule features Intel MAX 10 FPGA which is a non-volatile programmable logic device. MAX 10 FPGA comes with on-die dual configuration NOR flash that allows very fast device ...
2015.3 FSBL does not support MACRONIX flash. How can I add support for MACRONIX QSPI flash in FSBL? Solution This is an example of how to add MACRONIX (MX25L25635F and MX66L51235F) support to FSBL. To add support for MACRONIX flash in FSBL, we need only add the flash ID into th...
I created BOOT.BIN in petalinux (V2019.2) by using fsbl.elf, system.bit and uboot.elf. I flashed this BOOT.BIN in QSPI and boot the ZYNQ board. I created the HelloWorld.elf file in Vitis then converted to .bin file (by using "arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary HelloWorld.elf HelloWorl...
Zynq MP First Stage Boot Loader Release 2023.1 May 1 2023 - 00:38:12 MultiBootOffset: 0x1F0 Reset Mode : System Reset Platform: Silicon (4.0), Running on A53-0 (64-bit) Processor, Device Name: XCZUUNKNEG QSPI 32 bit Boot Mode ...
you can read and write to any PL DDR location using for example /dev/mem. However, this will be very slow. You'll need a DMA to move data at a faster rate. Typically you'd use a ZDMA channel to accomplish this. This post in the wiki has more infoZynqmp\+DMAandLinux\+DMA\+...