you'll be left with grease-free leather shoes. This method will only work on newer stains, however, and not on stains that have had a long time to soak in.
Make your Uggs pretty again.Once your Uggs are clean, they’re going to be a little flat and crunchy-looking. All you have to do to fix this is to take that suede brush you hopefully bought earlier and give your boots a good brushing. Being gentle (sheepskin is delicate), brush the ...
household ammonia (lemon scented works great on vomit stains) and 1/2 c. hot water. Spray on the stain. Cover with a white towel and rub a hot iron (cotton or linen settings) on top. Keep the iron moving. You can see the stain start transferring to your towel. I have used this...
There are different methods for cleaning your Skechers, depending on wha... How to Fix Wet Suede Shoes Suede is leather that has been stressed, torn, and distressed to get the classic felt-like look of suede. As the fabric is already "destroyed," suede is much less water repellent than ...