Try cleaning the condenser coils at the rear of the upright freezer unit. Sometimes dirty coils cause a freezer to not operate correctly. Make sure to pull the freezer away from the wall. Always unplug the power cord before cleaning. Remove any protective panel and use a vacuum with a narro...
We have four, including the two big drawers under our refrigerator. We also have anupright freezer(awesome) and onechest freezer(also very good). That’s a lot of storage for meat, vegetables and fruit. We need to make the most of our food storage space and give both of them a good...
Something similar happens when you put your writing tool in a freezer or travel in very cold weather. The ink expands as temperatures plummet and leaks out once it gets warm. 2. Air Pressure In normal conditions, the pressure inside the pen balances with the outside environment. When the ex...
When I take 15 minutes to rinse, chop, and bag my own, the blends come out much better. I’ve also noticed a taste difference between freshly frozen fruit that has been in the freezer for a week versus frozen fruit from the store. The flavor is noticeably brighter, and I enjoy the ...
Before starting, it's ideal to chill your mixing bowl. Pop it in the freezer for 15-30 minutes before whipping. This helps the cream whip up faster. If you don't want to wait, you can place the bowl over an ice bath while whipping instead. Either way, using cold equipment makes a...
Another easy source of carbs is bananas.You can eat them as a snack, slice them into cereal, or blend them into smoothies. If they start to go bad, peel them and stick them in the freezer. Frozen bananas as great for smoothies. ...
If your superglue is dry, place your garment in a suitable bag and put it in the freezer overnight. Remove your garment from the freezer and prise off the superglue. Then wash and dry your garment as normal. Tip: It’s important not to rush the drying process. Do not dry your garment...
3. If you make too much, put the rest in the freezer, and enjoy it at a different time. If you save any in the freezer, however, you may need to let the ice cream thaw for a little before you get the right consistency back. ...
In case your new fridge was delivered on a hot and sunny summer day, it will take longer for it to cool completely than if it is delivered in winter when there is snow on the ground! Also, fridges that were turned on their side for any period of time will need to sit upright for ...