This guide provides help and support for Unity users who may not have participated in an open-source project before. Unity uses distributed version control to version open-source components. Essentially, this means that you make changes and contribute them back through a process of “forking” ...
You can see the dependency graph by opening the repository's main page on GitHub and navigating to the Insights tab. If you have at least read access to the repository, you can export the dependency graph for the repository as an SPDX-compatible, Software Bill of Materials ...
With Premiere Pro v 22, new features around color management for H.264 and HEVC have been introduced. This FAQ will show you how to fix clips that appear overexposed or oversaturated due to these new features. Caution: iPhone shoots HDR by default. ...
Sadly, I must admit there are a LOT of variables at work here. The last time I worked on this system, it was with PSoC Creator 4.0 and a MiniProg3. Those tools were not available to me today, so I had to use PSoC Creator 4.2 and a KitProg 2.21 (upgraded from 2.19). This...
Unity is a well-known cross-platform gaming engine which is the center of many modern games. Unity started off with Apple in 2005 and as of 2018, it had crept its way to more than 25 different platforms. It is used to create end-game mechanics including 3D, VR, Augmented reality, and...
Access to coordination spaces (for Model Coordination in BIM 360 Next-gen and Autodesk Construction Cloud). Make sure that the necessary licenses have been assigned to you. 1. A. (Optional:) Open the project, folder, and model on the cloud platform in your ...
If the problem does not occur when you start Word by using the /a switch, try the next option. Most of the frequently used options in Word are stored in the Word Data registry subkey. A common troubleshooting step is to delete the Word Data registry subkey. When you restart Word, the...
“Hang multiple mirrors on the same wall to really open up a small space,” Chan says. “Using mirrors as decor hung in a gallery style is not only dramatic and high impact but the light reflection will make a small space feel twice as large.” Cabrera suggests using rugs...
But after adding a blank UWP project, it is not compiling. i am getting the below error: Cannot resolve Assembly or Windows Metadata file 'Type universe cannot resolve assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Platform.WinRT, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null. How to fix this.Any ...
Your host application is not limited to a single background service. You can register any number of services, but be aware that the more registered services there are in a host, the greater the likelihood that a single background service could cause issues for other services. You can certainl...