However it happened, you now have a chipped tooth. It may be a small enough chip that only your mother would notice, or it could be more serious than that, like a Dumb & Dumber-sized gaping hole. But whatever it is and however it happened, it's important to know that you are far...
But a chipped tooth, well, that's not ideal. Especially if it's your child that chipped their tooth. But fear not, a chipped tooth isn't uncommon for toddlers as they grow up and learn to play independently. If this sounds like you and your little one, relax, and read...
Minor chips can also be repaired with veneers, which cover the entire front surface of the tooth instead of just the chipped area. Veneers are customized to fit your specific needs and consist of a thin shell of tooth-colored material – either porcelain or composite. You can expect to pay...
missing, chipped, or unattractive teeth, you feel self-conscious and nervous about your smile. Even some of you may fear speaking in public because of your bad teeth placement. Some people undergo dental makeovers to correct their teeth alignment. However, not everyone can afford dental makeove...
Waking up with a bloated, puffy face isn't ideal. Thankfully, there are quick and easy ways to fix it. WH reveals 7 ways to avoid and reduce facial swelling.
Leave it on for an hour to as long as overnight and then clean it off. You can also try this with toothpaste, as long as it is non-gel and non-whitening. Can you fix chipped wood? Yes. Polyester resin wood filler is often used to repair chipped wood. This process does not ...
The largest rental deposit you can charge is usually 2-2.5X monthly rent. Please check with your local state/country. Personally, I try to ask for two months rent as a deposit. Something always gets damaged by renters for some reason. From chipped countertops to holes in walls, I'm not...
If you cut along a straight edge that's not stiff enough, you will make a bowed cut. This is because most people push hard against the straight edge to make sure that the router doesn't veer away from it. This can cause a weak straight edge to flex slightly. For some applications, ...
My problem is I'm not sure how to clean the case. I believe the case is brass but to appears to have had a grayish paint or something applied to it. This paint has either chipped off in spots or wore off. I'm not sure what to use to removed this and take it down to the ...
More Ways to Prevent Chip-Out Sear Parts Direct You may not have a plywood blade in your tool chest nor time to go buy one. That doesn't mean you can't get clean cuts, even across the grain. Pros use a number of simple techniques to avoid splintered and chipped-out edges. ...