Edit:As of Feburary 11, the PyTorch nightly builds have broken the ability to usetorch.nn.functional.layer_normwith half precision and web UI doesn't currently have a patch to fix it. I'll implement a patch and put in a PR if newer nightly builds show a performance improvement, but rig...
Babylon.js is mainly based on WebGL 1.0 to guarantee that the 3D experiences built on top of it will run everywhere. It has been built with a web philosophy in mind, so we’re using a “graceful degradation” like approach on the shader compilation...
public class Texture { private byte[] internalBuffer; private int width; private int height; // Working with a fix sized texture (512x512, 1024x1024, etc.). public Texture(string filename, int width, int height) { this.width = width...
Although many cameras and tutorials refer to this as an “HDR” image, this type of image can be better described as atonemappedimage. The idea is to take several photos with different exposures, and put them together so that all parts of the image are properly exposed (not too bright or...
Using a thin synthetic shader brush is the key– I don’t get as nice an effect when I directly deposit the concealer with a blender or my finger. It really has to be a brush so that I can follow the sunken half-moon shape. HTH March 18, 2013 at 11:01 am Danielle Maybe you...
I would be interested to know if any K/KS is stable at intel default settings with this kind of load? I should point out that it is the load conditions that are the problem, the CPU is fine boosting to 6.2 on Cinebench, XTU stress test, Intel diagnostic tool...
Texture mapping Back-face culling Rendering with WebGL thanks to Babylon.JS Here is the final tutorial of this long series. We’re going to see how to apply a texture to a mesh by using mapping coordinates exported from Blender. If ...