Perform any grade changes required to direct water runoff away from buildings. Make sure to factor in the thickness of the sod you will be planting. Til the soil to a depth of 12 inches. If the soil is wet, wait until it dries to til. If you have ever admired the lush, rolling tur...
Earthworm activity is an excellent gauge of overall soil health, and their populations have a direct relationship to plant growth and productivity. They help lawns, grass, and soil in three ways: They break down the soil. They decompose organic matter. They poop out amazing, free compost. H...
4.2 billionstruggle to access clean water every day, which they need fordrinking,bathing,washing,growingcropsandrearing animals. That’s why those of us that have access to these precious resources should be careful not to waste them.
When you’re trying to identify a certain type of grass, there are some key indicators that you should look for, such as: Leaf color and texture Growth patterns Mowing height Presence of stolons (runners) Rhizomes vs. stolons (root system found in the soil) St. Augustinegrass St. ...
Homeowners should check the soil around the site where they want their rain garden. It needs to drain well, so test it to see if it is a good spot. For example, a 12-inch hole filled with water should drain within 24 hours. Mark the area you want to garden, removing any grass. Th...
Adding legumes like peas, beans and clover to your garden is a great way to maximize soil health. Legumes fix nitrogen from the atmosphere and reduce your total fertilizer needs. Some companion plants physically support each other, reducing the need for staking or trellising. Th...
How do I apply a pre-emergent herbicide in the fall? When it comes to selecting a pre-emergent herbicide, choices can be daunting. Narrow down the selection process by looking for an herbicide that works on the type of weed you’ve seen in previous years and for your type of grass. ...
Fill your garden with soil. Ideally, your soil should contain sandy soil, topsoil, and compost to provide good drainage and a nutritious bed for your plants. Speaking of… It’s time to plant! Seeds and seedlings might get washed away by runoff, so it’s best to plant more mature specim...
You only need wheat grains and water to grow wheatgrass without soil! Growing wheatgrass for fresh wheatgrass juice at home is easy, cheap and so much fun! Fresh wheatgrass has many health benefits: It’s an excellent source of chlorophyll, vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin D, ...
Eggplants grow best in loamy soil or sandy loam that is rich in organic matter and well-drained. Add aged compost or commercial organic planting mix to planting beds ahead of planting and turn the soil to 12 inches (30cm) deep. Eggplants prefer a soil pH of 5.5 to 6.8. Perform a soil...