The Hidden Wonders of Soil - Jane Zelikova - TED_重塑外语 10:03 How to Build an Equitable and Just Climate Future - Peggy Shepard - TED_重塑外语口语 11:17 Why the Price of Insulin is a Danger to Diabetics - Brooke Bennett - TED_重塑外语口语 15:25 What if You Could Sing in Yo...
In order to thrive and grow, every cannabis plant needs: Light –whether you’re using sunlight or grow lights, you must understand the light needs of a cannabis plant to get the best bud quality & yields. Growing Medium –the stuff your plants grow in; soil isn’t your only choice!
Although soil needs to be moist, you’ll struggle growing plants in soil that are overly waterlogged. A balanced soil is one that contains about 25% air and 25% water. Wet soil, by contrast, stays overly wet or waterlogged even when it’s been a while since the last rainstorm. Wet soi...
Brown-checking (a boron deficiency) and blackheart (excessive soil salinity in combination with high nitrogen and lack of water) can happen where growing conditions are poor. Adequate magnesium and calcium in the soil to discourage pink rot and black heart diseases. Harvesting celery The time from...
Since biting flies need moist soil and moving waterways to lay their eggs, having a property close to either one is an early indicator of potential issues. A few signs of a serious biting fly infestation in your home or business are: ...
How to Avoid Overwatering: Overwatering comes from watering too frequently or giving too much water at a time. Here’s how to water properly: Soil –Water plants when the soil feels dry up to your first knuckle (or if the pot feels light). Learn how to water plants in soil. Learn ho...
•Poor grass growth •Ineffective fertilization Call a Lawn Care Pro for a Healthy Lawn Testing your soil’s pH is only one aspect of proper lawn care. Even if you fix your lawn’s soil pH levels, it can still suffer if it has too much thatch, the soil is compacted, weeds have ...
Many companies rely on cheap labour to produce their products for the maximum profit margins, leaving many supply chain workers with insufficient income. Moreover, poorly managed supply chains are full of unethical practices towards wage workers, such as forced and child labour, poor working conditio...
if made well, produce an array of co-benefits in addition to emissions abatement. Analysis carried out by the Woodwell Climate Research Center shows that the three largest NCS, by emissions-abatement potential, also have environmental co-benefits for biodiversity, ...
I have for a long time been fascinated with the DIY world and tried to learn how to fix things myself. I dedicate this site to like minded people who love to find out how things work and how to fix things for themselves.