Method 1. iPhone Unavailable Fix by Erasing iPhone [iOS 18 Updated] When you enter the wrong passcode on your iPhone several times, you get the security lockout message. For those who are using iOS 15.2 or later, there is an “Erase iPhone” option on the locked screen too. As a result...
If you wait for 1 minute and enter the 7th wrong passcode, the text will change to "iPhone unavailable try again in 5 minutes". The more times the wrong passcode you enter, the longer time you will be locked out of an iPhone, like 15 minutes, 1 hour, years, or even permanently. ...
The iPhone's security mechanism typically activates after six wrong attempts. It starts with making the iPhone unavailable for a specific period. The device becomes permanently locked when the incorrect code is entered consecutively for the 10th time. This lock manifests as the "iPhone Unavailable"...
the lockout last for just one minute. As failed attempts continue, the lockout time extends to 5 minutes, then 15 minutes, 1 hour, 3 hours, and 8 hours. Eventually, you’ll seeiPhone unavailable screen without a timer, indicating that you will be locked out permanently until you factory ...
When it reaches a maximum of 10 times, the phone is permanently unavailable with no timer.Part 2. Basic Fixes to iPhone Unavailable ScreenYou are now aware of why iPhone Unavailable screen shows up and stops you from entering a passcode. It's time to fix this issue with easy and useful ...
Below is how to use the Erase iPhone feature to unlock your iPhone:Step 1. Enter your supposedly correct password until your device is permanently locked. Once permanently locked, the Erase iPhone option will pop up at the lower-right corner of the iPhone's screen....
10 wrong attempts disabled your iPhone for 6o minutes. Once you exceed the aforementioned attempts, and still enter the wrong passcode, your device will show iPhone Unavailable with no timer underneath. This means your device is permanently locked with no waiting timer for you to retry. You can...
In this article, we provide 4 ways to unlock your disabled iPhone XS/XR. If you look for a comprehensive way, we recommend you to useiMyFone LockWiper. All the processes will be performed by professional software without any risk! Now, you can get a free trial from iMyFone, just download...
Can I factory reset a locked iPhone? Being doubtful about how to factory reset iPhone when locked is natural. However, reading this post will clear all doubts with the best solutions.
After 10 attempts, the message will read "iPhone Unavailable", with no timer displayed. This means your iPhone is permanently locked unless you reset it. This gives you the chance to remember your password without providing unlimited attempts to try it if you don’t. ...