Even though diabetes can be caused by too much sugar, some of the most serious problems associated with the condition arise from low blood sugar. All diabetics are in danger from hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. Low blood sugar can lead to serious health problems and adversely affect your life...
If you shift your diet to a low glycemic or low carb way of eating with lots of fiber, then you can shift your tolerance for insulin and leptin, and then your blood sugar will be much more stable.If your insulin is high and your blood sugar is low, then your brain will feel like ...
This article explores the effort of scientists to identify the level of blood sugar in which diabetic drugs are effective. It discusses the need to understand how the body handles glucose when understanding diabetes. It compares the two types of diabetes: Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes. ...
This term is sometimes used to describe a diabetic emergency that happens if you develop severe hypoglycemia, or very low blood sugar. The term "insulin shock" is somewhat misleading because although it occurs most often in people who use insulin, you can also develop this problem if you use ...
Has any of the above happened to you? If yes, you may be eating too many calories. These excess calories could be causing high triglyceride readings in your blood. So, should you eat less? Yes, but don’t gotoolow. Very low calorie dietscan actuallyhinderweight loss! You shouldn’t fo...
Jennifer was found to have dangerously low blood sugar levels and was treated immediately. Her worried parents told the doctor that their daughter missed breakfast that day and___touched her dinner the night before. Fortunately, she is now out of danger. Her doctor says that she will make a ...
When growing with Ruderalis-based cannabis strains such as the Lowryder, you can give the plant up to 18 hours of light a day for the whole grow, and your plant will be ready to harvest in about 3 months. Because of their short lifecycle, Ruderalis cannabis stains generally do not grow...
There’s plenty in life to make you anxious. When you havediabetes, you can addlow blood sugar(your doctor may call ithypoglycemia) to the list. But why does it happen? More importantly, what can you do about it? Why Low Blood Sugar Makes You Anxious ...
If you’re looking to lose weight, the foods you choose can be your greatest ally. These are the best foods to help you shed pounds.
If your blood sugar drops too low, it can trigger ravenous hunger, overwhelming cravings, and impaired thinking. Make sure you eat a combination of protein and low-glycemic load carbohydrates (see page 70 ofBeating Sugar Addiction For Dummies) every 3-4 hours so your body doesn’t lower your...